TESDA Training for the Construction Industry

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In an effort to aid the progress of the Build, Build, Build program, President Rodrigo Duterte ordered The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) to train more workers for the construction industry. The call did not go unanswered, as 2019 saw TESDA push the envelope on improving the quality and skills of the country’s workers.

Among the many programs that are on offer for the construction industry includes Carpentry, Welding, Masonry, Plumbing, Electrical Installation, Crane Operation and Heavy Equipment Operation. Besides this, TESDA also offers on-site training to expose future workers to the work environment. Called the Program on Project-based On-site Learning of Skilled Construction Professionals (PPOL SCoP), the program was proposed by TESDA and the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) to not only address the demand for workers, but to also align with the Republic Act No. 6685, an act which requires private contractors to hire at least 50% of the unskilled labor and at least 30% of the skilled labor.

TESDA also partnered with companies such as Ayala Land, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), and Holcim to further the progress of training the new builders of tomorrow. If you are planning to take one of the numerous courses being offered, be sure to prepare yourself for the challenges to come. Start researching about the basics related to the construction industry and then check your availability since some of the courses require a minimum of 120 hours to complete. You can also check whether the TESDA accredited school near your location offers the course you want.

There are dozens of ambitious projects currently going on in the country, and talented craftsmen who are willing to break a sweat to ensure a brighter future for the Philippines are definitely on high demand. If you think you have what it takes, take up a course and join the workforce to help create a better tomorrow.


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