Outlook on Construction Management during COVID-19

Outlook on Construction Management during COVID-19 from an Engineer’s Perspective

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Local businesses have faced various obstacles in the past months due to COVID-19. From public health concerns to mandated lockdowns, many were left perplexed on what to expect in the latter half of 2020. Still, everyone knows that waiting for a vaccine is not an option, and moving forward is the only way to survive.

In the past few months, construction firms and the government sector have gone out of their way to set new health and safety protocols for those who will be working under the new normal. This comes with certain challenges that affect the progress of projects that are being worked on at present. It is best to know what those factors are and how to deal with them. A great way to do so is to gain insights from industry veterans.

Engr. Bo Gancayco spoke in a recent episode of UP Institute of Civil Engineering’s webinar series about construction management and the hardships of operating during the months of April and June. He also shared key information on several construction trends such as how digitalization might impact the demand for BPO-related projects. He presented statistics that shed light on the economic impact of COVID-19. 

You can view the webinar episode through this link. Refer to the timestamp collection below to help you get to the topics that interest you:


18:16: Intro-ing from Engr. Bo Gancayco

19:11: Construction Manager as a Consultant

  • The difference in roles of construction managers and construction project managers

22:37: The Construction Industry Landscape

  • Growth comparison of construction between Q1 2019 and Q2 2020.

  • Market trends concerning industrial, residential, commercial, and healthcare projects 

25:25: The Project Life Cycle

28:15: The New Normal

  • Work process digitization

  • Online meetings with workers and clients

  • Employee training in the digital workspace

31:58: General Concern Areas

  • Communication Management

  • Scope Management for suppliers and contractors

  • Quality Management

  • Procurement Management

  • Human Resource Management 

  • Stakeholder Management

  • Time and Cost Management

43:35: Integration Management

45:00: PDF References


Engr. Gancayco’s take on the matter is both informative to students and firm owners alike. With the pandemic threat still at large in the Philippines, prioritizing worker safety and adaptability is every business’s number one priority. Many companies, such as the Davao Constructors Association Center, Inc, and Holcim Philippines, have expressed their sentiments to publications on operating under the new normal. This further proves the points made by Engr. Gancayco during his talk. Being informed is vital and crucial, especially for uncertain times.

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