3 Lessons Aspiring Architects Can Learn from Architect Royal Pineda of BUDJI+ ROYAL Architecture+Design

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Remember when Architect Royal Pineda of BUDJI+ ROYAL defined modern Filipino architecture’s distinct sustainability? He also shared his three (3) wonderful pieces of advice for aspiring architects.

Keep reading to hear from the expert!

 Arch. Royal Pineda in a Zoom interview for Pinoy Builders


1. Make Philippines’ nature the primary source of inspiration.

For Architect Royal, nature is the primary source of inspiration, and it is only when you return to this source that you may achieve true freedom. He encourages future artists and architects to never confine their creativity by foreign influences. To ensure the integrity of Filipino design, make the natural world that surrounds us the true inspiration for every piece of art you create.


“Our real inspiration was the beautiful waters of the rivers of the Philippines. The rocks, the cheese, the beautiful foliage of the rainforest. These things were our inspirations and we should continue that so that the integrity of our design is Filipino,” Architect Pineda explains.


Architect Pineda wants future architects to not just mimic what current architects are doing; instead, he encourages everyone to break free from the mold.

Creative freedom brings us to Arch. Pineda’s next piece of advice, so keep reading.


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 Arch. Royal Pineda in a Zoom interview for Pinoy Builders


2. Find your own authenticity.

The future of Philippine architecture, design, and development could be highly distinctive, and that will be the most fascinating part. Authenticity helps keep integrity, honor others, and provides the diversity that we can now offer to the world. Architect Royal raises the challenge of identifying the uniqueness and authenticity of each creative professional, as there isn’t a single person who is precisely the same as another.

Create in your own unique style, according to your own culture. What is it that makes your work even more stunning? It’s the authenticity and being true to yourself. In the mind of Architect Pineda, honesty is the foundation of integrity. 


“And for the Filipinos, the architects, the designers, the builders, you’ll be surprised. I’ve travelled the world, I’ve seen the works of the many and they’re beautiful. I’m not saying they’re not. They’re beautiful in their own place. They’re beautiful in their own culture. They’re beautiful in their own many ways. But what makes it even more beautiful is because they’re honest to themselves. I think that honesty sets the entire mood of integrity and the things that I said, it will just ripple out,” Arch. Pineda explains.


3. Refine your brand.

To future architects, in creating art or any of your project, it is never about competition: it’s about refining your styles and yourselves. 


“Without being able to refine ourselves, it’s difficult to offer it as a gift,” Arch. Pineda highlighted.


Arch. Pineda advises not to worry about the market match, but focuses more on refining your brand, as the market is big enough for you. He wants all future artists to remember that there will always be a match, and someone who believes in your approach will always exist, and there will be no other champion in the game if it is your game, as long as you have perfected it and championed it.


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 Arch. Royal Pineda in a Zoom interview for Pinoy Builders


So make your game. Seek and develop your own.

Last, Arch. Pineda encourages aspiring architects to break free from the colonial mindset and be proud of who they are. After all, creativity always paves the road to a better quality of life.


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