Tips To Stay Healthy This Rainy Season

Tips To Stay Healthy This Rainy Season

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The Philippines has officially welcomed this year’s season of rain. Some Filipinos are giddy about the change of weather as the rainy season can be charming. It presents a wonderful collage of wearing your really nifty jacket and to have the pleasure of enjoying your hot beverage while you flip the pages of your favorite book or just get lost in your favorite sounds. But it’s not all art and mood during this season. It has dangers, too. These dangers come in the forms of diseases such as dengue and flu and other infectious diseases that are born our of humidity due to repeated downpour.

Here are some smart ways to stay dry, safe, and healthy rather than singing “Rain, rain go away.”

Always bring an umbrella.


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Getting soaked from heavy rains causes change with our body temperature thus, some of us, suffer from fever and colds. Protect yourself from the rain at all times. Always bring an umbrella with you.

Stay hydrated.


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It doesn’t have to be summer to stay hydrated. Drink as much water as you can to help drain toxins from our bodies. Hydration with our blood circulation. It also strengthens our immune system to protect us against getting infections and allergies.

Eat healthy.


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To eat healthy is the most affordable way to protect ourselves from sickness. Eat food that is rich in vitamin C to combat infections. Also, boost our immune system by taking vitamins to help push away flu and infection.

Sanitize your hands.


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One of the most common reasons why people get sick during the season is due to unsanitized hands. We get in contact with a lot of things and unbeknownst to us, we become carriers of microbes we got in contact with. Always was our hands thoroughly. Also, carry a small bottle of alcohol or any hand sanitizer.

Do not touch your face frequently.


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If you haven’t sanitized your hands yet, stay away from touching any parts of your face especially the eyes, nose and mouth area. Touching your face frequently can increase the chances of virus transfer into your system. Fight the urge to scratch your eye or wipe your sweaty forehead. Bring clean handkerchieves or tissue.

Have some backup clothes ready.


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Without an umbrella or rain gear, it’s easy for us to get wet during rainy season. Walking around with our clothes is an open invitation to viral and bacterial infections. Always bring extra clothes. Pack light clothes that you can store in your bags, lockers or drawers to give you easy access if you will ever need them.

Keep it clean. 


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Dengue is the most alarming disease during the rainy season. Throw away stagnant water and throw away things that may be turned into mosquitoes’ breeding ground. Sometimes, wading through floodwaters is unavoidable. Always clean your legs and feet after to prevent contracting leptospirosis and other similar infections. In this season, we are more likely to stay inside and stay cozy and warm. But we must be vigilant in keeping our environment clean and sanitized. In case you caught a cold, always keep our hands clean. Sanitize. And shower after coming in from the rain.

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