5 Benefits of Waterproofing Exterior Walls - Pinoy Builders

5 Benefits of Waterproofing Exterior Walls

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Water damage is one of the primary concerns in maintaining the home. One way that you can protect your home from water damage is to waterproof your outer walls. 

Waterproofing exterior walls add a solid layer of protection against water. This prevents it from entering the home, protecting the structure of the building by keeping mold and dampness from developing. It’s an extra yet integral part of making sure your home or building doesn’t run into problems in the future. It’s also a great way to make sure that you or your loved ones stay healthy in your home. 

Five Benefits of Waterproofing Exterior Walls

If you’re skeptical about the benefits of waterproofing your exterior walls, here are five reasons you should consider it, as it will benefit not only the structural integrity of your home but also your health in the long run.

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It Increases Property Value

Water streaks, moisture, or signs of dampness in a home are “red flags” for some realtors and investors. This will not do if you’re looking to sell your property because damages will affect the overall price. These damages are signs of a damaged foundation that won’t sell well but if you have waterproofed exteriors, not only will you be able to add value to the property but it’ll also help you sell it to potential realtors and buyers.  

Prevents Mold from Forming

Mold is not just a risk to the structure but also to health. It can cause respiratory problems that might affect young children and seniors when they come into contact with it. As mold develops in damp areas, waterproofing exterior walls make sure that the home is always dry. This way, the environment will be healthier and safer for those who dwell in it. Waterproofing exterior walls also help to stop moisture from forming, leading to other health concerns and water damage. 

Decreases Potential Health Hazards

As mentioned, exterior waterproofing helps to prevent dampness, moisture, mildew, and mold from forming within the house. A common health risk that can result from this is asthma. It can also pose a risk to pets who live inside the home. Effects of having mold inside the house are more prominent on children and pets. Experts recommend keeping the premises dry.

Since moisture and dampness can also affect the structure and foundation of the home, it might lead to breakage and other water-related problems that provide a health hazard to those who come into contact with it. Hence the importance of waterproofing exterior walls to prevent health hazards.

Protects the Structure of the Home

Water damage can cost a lot of money to repair depending on the amount of damage incurred. Waterproofing exterior walls can help lessen the cost of repairs, as waterproofing solutions usually last for years. They provide long-term protection for the interiors and the exteriors. It will prevent moisture and dampness from seeping into the walls and prevent water damage in the long run.

It Lasts a Lifetime

We usually see the effects of dampness and water inside the home that reflect in water streaks. There are many solutions for this problem but they only usually solve the problem temporarily. Waterproofing your exterior walls prevents water from getting in contact with the exterior surfaces, which will protect the house interior. The good thing about waterproofing exterior walls is that it provides a permanent solution to water streaks and dampness that will last for years, if not a lifetime. 

Preventing water damage by waterproofing your exterior walls is essential to making sure that the structure is safe and the people who live within it are not at risk. Exterior waterproofing is an essential step to take when you’re building your home or if you’re planning to renovate as it adds a layer of protection. 

Don’t forget that damage or breakage is best stopped at the source. Consider waterproofing your exterior walls so you don’t have to go through the difficulties of repairs in the future.


  • Benefits of Waterproofing Exterior Walls | All Districts Coating. (2018, April 10). Commercial Painters Sydney | Residential Painters | Industrial Painting | All Districts Coating. https://alldistricts.com.au/benefits-of-waterproofing-exterior-walls/
  • Staff, D. (2009, August 7). How to Get Rid of Moisture and Water in Your Crawl Space | DoItYourself.com (G. C. Salter, Ed.). Www.doityourself.com. https://www.doityourself.com/stry/how-to-dry-out-a-damp-crawlspace
  • Advantages of getting waterproof primers for external walls. (2021, May 13). https://www.britishpaints.in/blog/advantages-of-getting-waterproof-primers-for-external-walls
  • Exterior Waterproofing Benefits. (n.d.). Aquatech Waterproofing. Retrieved June 9, 2022, from https://aquatechwaterproofing.ca/exterior-waterproofing/exterior-waterproofing-benefits/

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